Saturday, January 26, 2013

How I do Tasting Boxes

This is a quick pic of a sample tasting box that I put together when meeting with clients planning a larger cake. Cake tastings are available for cakes serving 75 guests or more and are a charge of $20.  If the booking is made for a cake serving 100 or more, the tasting fee is applied as a down payment towards that total.

Cake boxes are designed for two guests, but can be expanded to four.  More than four voices in the cake tasting process can make things a bit confusing, so I try to limit tastings to no more than four. Boxes include our most popular flavors at the baker's choosing, and special requests may be accommodated. I like to take clients through the flavors light to dark, similar to a wine tasting. Lately it seems that I am including a few more flavors than what is pictured here.

It is good to remember that a baker's tasting box isn't necessarily a means to pick the exact cake and flavor, but more of a way to judge a baker's quality and skill.  And to eat spoonfuls of buttercream without regard. Always the buttercream.

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